Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Saddle Creek Site Status

hi. we set up this blog to keep you updated on our website status.

today is the date for all you early pre-orderers to download the new Bright Eyes record but in an unbelievable "coincidence", our hosting company had a large scale DDoS attack and many of their sites are down, including ours.

here is the official status update from them:

although they say the issue is resolved, it is not. we are going to be updating this page constantly (every 20 minutes or so) throughout the day until the site is back up. we might not have much info with our updates, but we'll let you know all we know.

sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.

Saddle Creek


  1. So this means we all get free Bright Eyes Merch right?

  2. Will I get another code? When I finally got to the page and put in my code it crashed and now I got on again it says its used up but I STILL DONT HAVE IT! :(

  3. NLF send an email saying that with your code to techsupport@saddle-creek.com

  4. Thanks Saddle Creek, waiting is no problem, will just keep listening to the stream. And also thanks for keeping us informed, much appreciated!

  5. As much I love Bright Eyes Merch. I Agree with Sara. Even offering us an early download is generous enough.
